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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Dove: Evolution Ad

The Dove: Evolution Ad above is part of Dove's Real Women ad campaign. The campaign seems to come from Dove's belief system rather than a marketing ploy, and even though the ads helped increase Dove's revenue in the UK last year by 700%, they did so because people identified with the message of the ads--to get that kind of acceptance with a belief takes sincerity. The ads are a consistent series that don't seem like one-off attempts to appeal to the belief that all women are beautiful. The ads convey that all women are beautiful, and the Evolution ad even helps women understand the amount of trickery used to sell products. Sure, the woman in the scene is pretty, but she is done over by 10 people, and then Photoshopped to be something she couldn't possibly be. Women need to understand that they are beautiful, and men have to understand that the women we see everyday in print and in movies are misrepresentations of the fairer sex. We're all victims of visual distortion . Dove: Evolution


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