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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Cocaine Drink

After this, can Red Bull be considered extreme? Redux Beverages of Las Vegas recently released a drink called "Cocaine" that is 350% stronger than Red Bull, but claims that people won't experience the "sugar crash" associated with other energy drinks. The drink's main energy source is caffeine (280mg per 8.4 oz. can to be exact), and the maker's claim that the only way to get a more powerful dose of caffeine is with an espresso shot. Cocaine also contains a throat numbing ingredient to make the experience a little bit more like its namesake, which has caused quite a bit of news already, from inciting protest online and in stores to being outlawed in Australia (they outlaw everything except big knives). All I know is that I want one, and I can't get it unless I spend $10 on ebay for 8oz..

Cocaine Drink



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