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Monday, November 20, 2006

what happened to

Okay...this is tough for me, but I have to do it. What happened over at Coolhunting? As far as design/coolstuff/chic blogs go, 7dv tips its hat to Josh Rubin; his site helped define a genre and became the architype for the sites that follow, but what happened with the current site redesign? I'm not so much a fan-boy that I fear change; in fact, I love change. Change is great because it means that someone has thought up a better way of doing things. I don't know about this new site though... They took away the best part of a blog--mindless scrolling though many posts that would reveal cool shit every time I flicked the wheel. The new site has three main posts, and then nine mini posts at the bottom with pictures only 100x100px. While many other blogs are enlarging their photos (gizmodo, engadget, product dose), Coolhunting has gone the opposite direction. Gone is the long list of cool objects that I could explore during the day, and what remains feels slightly cluttered and short. Do I have the right to crit Josh...probably not, but I have an affinity towards Coolhunting because it was one of the first blogs I looked at, and I miss the old one. I'm not asking for a complete site redesign; just give me more of the big posts with the actual information rather than the pix. WTF happened to


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