New Feature:

Now anytime you see this link, click it to download the 7DV google earth file to see the locations of events and posts on the blog

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


The My Book™ Pro Edition™ II from Western Digital holds 1 Terabyte of storage!! One Terabyte! Seriously, that's a lot of space (1000 GBs for those geek speak impaired), and it's about the size of a family size box of pop-tarts (approx. 7" x 7" x 4"), it costs an easily affordable $549, and uses Firewire 400 & 800 and USB 2.0 for transfer. Though the packaging is a little HAL 9000, and uses the WD logo a little too boldy on the side, it's still sleek enough to sit on your desk. My Book™ Pro Edition™ II


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